Sludge Management System
Waterneer represents innovation in design & provides an economic Solution for either thickening or De-Watering at small, medium & large water, waste water & industrial effluent treatment plant.
Highlights of Sludge Management Solutions
- Simple mechanized operation
- Extremely low power and rinsing water consumption
- No synthetic filter cloth requiring periodic attention
- Low speed operation hence low energy input
- High solids capture
- Excellent recovery of all types of sludge
- Easy operation and maintenance
- Non clogging even with biological sludge
- Compact/low space requirement
- Sludge output with minimum moisture 25% approx
Waterneer's Wastewater Treatment produces vast amounts of sludge, and we are providing the solutions for both the environmental problems.
There are following working sections of the dewatering machine
- Flow Control TankThis tank feeds a fixed controlled amount of Sludge to the next tank (Flocculation Tank) and whilst the excess sludge returns to the storage tank through adjustable sludge weir.
- Flocculation TankSuitable Polyelectrolyte is mixed with the sludge slurry to form thick flocks suitable for the Dewatering.
( Polyelectrolytes also available.) - Thickening Zone in Cylindrical BarrelsIn this zone sludge slurry enters and the initial filtrate zone made of rings is discharged whilst the thickened sludge is pushed through the flight of screw towards the Dewatering Zone cylinder. In this zone gap between loose plate and fixed plate is more.
- Dewatering ZoneIn this zone the gap between moving and fixed rings and the pitch of the screw decreases gradually in the direction of the discharge (End plate), whilst the pressure of the filter element of sludge increases due to decreased volume by compression effect, which thickens and dewaters the sludge.
- Sludge Release Zone (End Plate)In this zone more pressure is generated by adjustable pressure plate at outlet side so that the sludge becomes drier, in result up to 25% solid sludge cake is released from the sludge cake outlet.